Thursday, August 16, 2007


Will woke up in the middle of the night and started kicking around a bit. He woke up and asked to come into “Daddy’s bed” which we made the mistake of obliging him with. He lay there for a bit before waking up proper and jumping around. He didn’t go back to sleep easily but after a bit of to-ing and fro-ing between his bed and ours, he eventually went back to sleep. After the broken sleep in the middle of the night, we slept in and were almost too late for breakfast.

We had another continental breakfast before checking out. We had a fantastic time at Pension Motu Iti that we will recommend it to everyone we can. We waited outside for a bus which was about quarter of an hour later than we expected but we still had enough time to catch our ferry. The ride back felt bumpier than the ride in but maybe we were too tired to notice the first time.

The ferry ride back across to Tahiti was definitely more turbulent than the first crossing and Lou started to feel very ill. I sat with Will and amused him with his LeapPad and a pack of lollies of which I ran out of just before we made land. We decided we would check our luggage into our accommodation before we went shopping so we tried to find Le Truck going the other way. The bizarre thing was, noone seemed to know where we should catch it from and we crossed the road at least three times asking various bus drivers before Lou finally got sick of it and went to an Information centre for help. It turns out that Le Trucks leave from a depot a couple of blocks into the island which we would never have found by ourselves. Soon we were on our way to Faa’a.

The Tahiti Airport Motel is situated on the hill directly across the road from the airport and is half way up a dodgy driveway that looks as though someone drove a concrete mixer to the top of the hill and simply poured it down to make the road. I was a bit apprehensive about it but my fears were not justified as the room was very nice - tidy, spacious and air conditioned as well as a good view back across the island towards Papaete. We unpacked our gear and popped into the storage facility to pick up a few things (most importantly the adapter and hair straighteners) before catching Le Truck back into the city.

We wandered into the market and marvelled at the number of Tahitian pearls for sale. I wanted to buy one for Mum but got a bit pearled out and couldn’t decide on the one I wanted. We bought a bongo drum and some vanilla pods for ourselves and we all shared a drink from a coconut. Since Will hadn’t slept he became quite cranky and demanded to be set free from his pram. We told him we would find a playground for him and that made him happy.

Down the main street was a pearl shop that we had passed earlier and we finally found a pearl for Mum that we all liked. We bought some postcards and stamps before walking to the McDonalds we saw from Le Truck earlier. We set Will free into the playground and bought him some chippies which he frequently came back to. We walked further up the road to the Champion supermarket for some dinner then we caught Le Truck back to the motel.

In our room we enjoyed our dinner of French bread, soft cheeses and salami washing it down with glasses of mango juice and yoghurt drink. Will didn’t complain when I put him in his bed and he fell asleep almost immediately. There was absolutely nothing on TV (apparently this goes for all French television) so we packed up all our gear finished off our dinner. I set my alarm for 5:00 in the morning to give us enough time to get sorted and we went to sleep around 9:00.