Friday, July 27, 2007


This morning we decided we would take a look around Worcester before getting some china for Lou’s mum, Gill. Lou had previously taken some photos of the china that she likes and emailed them to her to which she had responded with five text messages full of excited sentences. We took a walk around the old streets of Worcester and did a little bit of shopping before stopping at a Café Rouge for a coffee and to feed the boys a bit. We took a quick walk up around Worcester Cathedral but had to leave early to get back to the china shop. It was a pity we couldn’t get up into the tower which would have been fun.

Back at the china shop we sorted out some lovely china for Gill and made our way back home for an afternoon sleep for Will and Ben. The sun came out and there was the barest whisper of a breeze which was perfect for a run around outside. Mark and I stayed at home with Will and Ben while Lou and Sally raced out to Upton to get a few sundries at the supermarket. The boys had lots of fun splashing in the pool and eating sand in the sandpit.

While I took a walk across the village to hook up to the Internet, Lou looked after Will. Eventually she decided they would come and take a walk to meet me. On the way, Will spotted the big digger and dragged me over to it. Finding the biggest puddle he could, he raced straight for it and was up to his ankles in mud before I could stop him! Nice wet shoes for packing up into our suitcases tonight!

We had fondue for tea. Not just one but two – cheese fondue with veges and chocolate fondue with fruit. How healthy! Well it could have been accompanied by bread and marshmallows, but we took the ‘healthier’ option. That and a bottle of wine set us up pleasantly for the night, where we watched Love Actually. Will couldn’t settle – he was getting a cold again – so he sat up with us until the MediSed kicked in and he got drowsy. He tried to say goodnight to Mark and Sally but he ended up saying “Goodnight light of firey fire” in the direction of the fondue flame with a slurred voice and half closed eyes.

I managed to get hold of Rachel and discovered that she had been affected by the floods but not as bad as some. She had lost her water but fortunately her house hadn’t been flooded and she still had power. We arranged for Mark and Sally to drop us off at her house in Gloucester as they were heading down to a wedding in Eastbourne and it was pretty much on the way. We packed our bags and tried not to think about leaving Naunton as we went to sleep.