Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Aix Les Bains

I woke up feeling very sick; queasy in the stomach and light headed. I took a Marzine which made me sleepy so I stayed in bed while Lou and Will went down to get breakfast. Since I was the only one who could drive the car, Lou and Will were pretty much stuck here, so they went for a walk and watched Thomas the Tank Engine downstairs as I slept. I started to feel better in the afternoon so we jumped in the car to check out the Hyper U in Rumelly (a massive hypermarket). Will fell asleep just before we got there, so Lou went in and spent an hour looking around while I stayed in the car with Will listening to music on the iPod and getting not feeling too well.

We carried on down the road to a major village on Lac du Bourget called Aix Les Bains which looked a bit seedy. Lou said she imagined Blackpool to be like this but I had to inform her that Blackpool was MUCH seedier than Aix Les Bains. We escaped the centre ville and found the waterfront where people were setting up the stage for a big music event which we later found out was to feature Placebo and a few other bands. It was scheduled to happen on the day we left for Paris so we would miss it.

A bit further down the road we found the Aquarium so we all went in to take a look. Will was a bit crabby since he had not had his big sleep today, so we didn’t spend too long there. We did however find a fish with a funny name - in French it was called Chevaine which is fine, in English it was called a Chub which is a bit odd, but in German it is called a Dickkopf!

On the way back to the car, we saw a big group of Frenchmen playing Boules Petanque in a carpark who looked like they were taking the game very seriously. We arrived home without the debacle from yesterday, phoned Millie and Annabel using VoipBuster, watched some House MD, and went to bed.